Roadmap 2024

We are launching Mirakle on Fuse Network mainnet

Q1 2024: Community, Security, and Visibility Quarter

  • Community Developer Program Launch: Initiate a program to engage and encourage community developers in contributing to Mirakle's ecosystem.

  • Review and Increase Operational Security: Conduct an extensive security review to enhance the platform’s defenses.

  • Interface Improvements: Improve the user interface for a more intuitive and engaging user experience.

  • Add FUSE to Mirakle: Add FUSE to increase the variety of cryptocurrency trading pairs available on the platform.

Q2 2024: Incentives and Mobile Development Quarter

  • Incentives Programs Implementation:

+ Referral Program: Introduce a referral program to incentivize user growth.

+ Bug Bounty Program: Launch a bug bounty program to engage the community in strengthening platform security.

  • Mobile Version Development: Start the development of the mobile version of Mirakle for enhanced user accessibility.

Q3 2024: Technological Advancement and Beta Testing Quarterr

  • Support Synthetic Markets: Begin integrating synthetic assets, expanding the platform's trading capabilities.

  • Add More Trading Pairs: Increase the variety of cryptocurrency trading pairs available on the platform.

  • List on DappRadar, CoinMarketCap, CoinGecko: Focus on increasing Mirakle's visibility and credibility in the crypto community by listing on these major platforms.

  • Mobile Version Beta Testing: Conduct beta testing of the mobile app, gathering user feedback for further improvements.

Q4 2024: Full-Scale Launch and Growth Quarter

  • Official Mobile Version Launch: Launch the fully developed mobile app, providing users with a comprehensive mobile trading experience.

  • Expand Listings and Partnerships: Explore additional listings and partnerships to further extend Mirakle's reach in the crypto ecosystem.

  • Year-End Review and Future Roadmap Announcement: Review the year's achievements and challenges, and announce the roadmap for 2025.

Last updated